Published Articles In Chinese (Selected)
In EF, I worked as a copywriter to introduce parents the professional educational concepts. I also write Fun English articles for children as listed below. I obtained the first-hand preference data through the articles I wrote. I understand parents better, I know what the parents need, for example in China most parents of preschool-aged children want the resource of Phonics. I know the effective communication approach that parents tend to accept. The experience has prepared me for a career that combines parent-teacher communication with practice.

Printed Booklet In Chinese (Selected)
The articles I wrote were also selected, edited and published as booklets.
EF Fun English Volum 2&3
In China, sometimes that English that is taught in public school is a little bit outdated, therefore my job is to introduce up-to-date and useful expressions and phrases. Additionally, I also focused on the most frequently misused English and gave the corrections. To ensure the accuracy, all articles in Fun English, I had native speakers to proofread.
EF Smart Mom
I believe that children are self-abled learners who learn spontaneously and initially through hands-on activities and inquiry dialogue. Therefore children should be respected and endowed to self discover. In EF Smart Mom, I selected articles to explain how children learn and how parents facilitate young children to learn.